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020-24608802 / 803On Wednesday last week, our school celebrated Annual Sports Day with great enthusiasm. On this special day, all-rounder Indian cricketer Ms. KIRAN NAVGIRE was our chief guest. All the students and teachers were very energetic that day; enthusiasm could be easily seen in their eyes. Our chief guest arrived at 9:15 am and inaugurated our sports program by lighting the lamp and blowing the balloons. Various sports programs were organized by the School Teachers and Sports Department on this day in which students participated according to their interests. All the games were organized in our school playground. Along with this, a stage was also made in the ground in which all the senior-most teachers, principal sir, and our chief guest were sitting. The Program started with House wise March Pass. That Student has performed with energetic. After that parade were performed by tiny tots cubs and bulbul students. Annual Sport report were explained after Parade. Mass PT was performed by class I & II students. After these many other sports related Drills were performed by all the students from STD 1st to std 9th. Drills performed by small kids like Pom Pom Display, special Yoga Display, Zumba Display from pre-primary & nursery students. Drills like Ball, skating, yoga, hula hoops, lazim, dupatta , Dumbbells, Zumba, Aerobic, Karate, India’s Achievement drill were performed by all the students. After that house wise relay finals were taken. Running match of parents and drivers were taken. After all the games were over, there was a prize distribution ceremony in which all the members of the match-winning team were given prizes at the hands of our chief guest. And in the end, our chief guest also gave a motivational speech, in which he advised everyone to participate in the field of sports and also told many benefits of doing sports activities.